Tête-à-tea with Literary Agent April Eberhardt

Before I signed up with April Eberhardt, I was bursting with questions for literary agents. It’s not often a writer get to bat the breeze with one. Agents are rarefied beings who live in another stratosphere. Stereotypes about them as hope-dashers and dream-crushers persist among writers. Every alcoholic writer I know is sitting on a fat pile of rejected queries. We cling to crumbs of hope. We tell our friends, “That was the best reject  I ever received. Agent La-di-da said …..” That’s like George Clooney saying, “You are  pretty but your teeth need fixin and I’m sorry we can’t date.” It’s thanks-but-no-thanks, right? No date and no Clooney. So why am I insanely happy and why do I run around telling all my friends? I  even begin to ponder the cost of orthodontics (teeth whitening or even false teeth – hmmm) now more determined than ever to bowl over George Clooney. Just wait till he sees the NEW ME. (Mr. Clooney, you may remember me *flash, flash, smile, smile*)

But here is the sad truth, Molly, so get your hard hat on: the reason why most agents are “not so nice” is because they get hounded by needy and persistent writers (like you and me) all the time: especially the ones they were nice to.

The publishing world is fast changing: if not by the day, by the week. Relationships between writers, agents, editors and publishers are all being redefined. So Chips Ahoy Molly girl, your little boat may set sail after all. The big blue sea is waiting, the sky is limitless and there are fish a-plenty.

Here is a small Q&A with my literary agent, April Eberhardt, who is embracing the challenges in the publishing industry and exploring new alternatives for her writers. She is a front runner in this game.


Literary Agent April Eberhardt www.aprileberhardt.com

Shona: Hi April, many thanks for taking the time to answer my questions on TeaBuddy.

April Eberhardt: Hi, Shona—Thanks for inviting me to be your guest! Let’s have a cup of tea and chat.

Shona: You gave a very insightful interview on writeitsideways recently regarding the current scenario of the publishing industry. I want this Q&A to focus mainly on writers and your role as an agent, so let’s cut to the chase.

My first question:  Where do you find your writers? What is the best way for them to approach you?

April Eberhardt: I find writers in three ways: through referrals by my current list of authors; via literary conferences; and as unsolicited submissions e-mailed to me.

Shona:  How many queries do you get in a year, of which how many do you accept?

April Eberhardt: I receive several thousand queries a year, of which I’m able to represent around 20.

Shona:  Most writers, I know, are terrified of pitching in person to an agent at a conference. Why is it important for you to meet your writers face-to-face?

April Eberhardt: Meeting an author in person gives us each a sense of chemistry, as well as a chance to discuss approach and values. Like any relationship, business or personal, compatibility and “fit” are critical to making it work long-term.

Shona: What grabs you in a pitch/story? What do you look for in a writer?

April Eberhardt: In a pitch or manuscript, I like to see an original premise, a strong, fast start, and a sense of where the story’s going, as well as a compelling reason why I’ll want to stay with it—i.e. character, plot, sheer beauty of the language. In an author I like to see a good understanding of how the business works, or a willingness to learn about it. Maturity, patience, trust, and a mentally healthy outlook on things also are important.

Shona: What are the common mistakes a new writer makes?

April Eberhardt: Not editing their manuscript thoroughly before submitting it; thinking their agent will sell it quickly (sometimes it happens, but rarely.)

Shona:  You are a very hands-on agent. You rolled up your sleeves and got down in the trenches to help me straighten out my manuscript. Your editorial inputs were invaluable. How often are you involved in editing a manuscript to make it submission-ready?

April Eberhardt: Thank you. I do a lot of editing on virtually every manuscript I agree to represent, some more than others. If I see high potential in a manuscript, and in its author, I’m willing to go the distance with her or him to get it just right.  I actually love editing—it’s a thrill to see a story with hidden potential really blossom!

Shona: You are known for representing high-quality women’s fiction suitable for book clubs. What kind of books work best for book clubs? Can you give specific examples? What makes these books popular with book club readers?

April Eberhardt: Book club books are those that prompt lively discussion among book club members! Typically they present a situation or dilemma that readers have strong feelings about, and are eager to discuss with others to get their views and approaches to dealing with it. A couple of examples are The Paris Wife: A Novel by Paula McLain, and Still Alice by Lisa Genova. In both books, the writing was fabulous—gripping and fast-moving, with astonishing twists and turns of plot and character. In the case of The Paris Wife, I think readers liked the reimagining of what Hemingway’s first wife’s experiences and feelings were, and gaining insight into what it is like to be the wife (and the first of many) of a famous person—and in this case, of a particularly larger-than-life and admired figure–and in Paris. Who doesn’t love reading (and talking) about Paris? In Still Alice, this was a story that conceivably could happen to anyone—and among midlife readers who find themselves juggling lots, and forgetting little things, there seems to be an unspoken concern that their forgetfulness isn’t just preoccupation, but the sign of something more ominous. These are the things we as women think about, and welcome the chance to talk about with others.

Shona: You have often told me you are “besotted” with Teatime for the Firefly and the world needs to read this novel. What was it that attracted you to my manuscript? ?

April Eberhardt: The characters, the setting, the plot, the writing—all at once! It is a beautiful rendering of a young woman’s coming-of-age in an exotic culture and at an alluring time in history. I could not put it down—and that’s rare for me, as I always have a pressing to-do list scrolling away in the back of my mind, distracting me from the task at hand. Teatime for the Firefly is one of those rare stories that caused me to lose track of where I was and what else I needed to do. I came away feeling as if I had just been on a marvelous journey to a magical place, and had made wonderful new friends there. I missed them when it was over.

Shona:  Thank you for your kind words, April! But these are challenging times, don’t you think? I see so many serious writers losing heart and getting increasingly frustrated with the crisis and confusion in the publishing industry. What is the best encouragement you can offer them?

April Eberhardt: Self-publish your work in the highest-quality way possible, and then do your best to promote it. If you have the means, or can save to hire experts in the field, by all means do so. People must be able to read your book in order to love it. Given the industry’s limited ability to publish all the authors out there, you must so some of this yourself if you want your work to be read. Self-publishing won’t preclude your being published by a mainstream publisher—if anything, market-testing your book yourself will demonstrate its salability to you and others, and will underscore your willingness to be a good marketing partner. Plus it could be a lot of fun, and might make you some money as well.

Shona:  What is your advice for writers who are not social-media savvy? Are they doomed? What would Stephen King do today?

April Eberhardt: Social media is one effective way to get word out about your book. Emailing friends and acquaintances is another. When your book is released, email everyone you know letting them know it’s available, asking them to consider buying (and reading) it, and, if they like it, letting two or three other people know about it—and consider reviewing it on goodreads.com or another site where readers go to find good new books. Word of mouth is still the best sales tool! As for Stephen King, it’s hard for me to envision what’s inside of his head. I’d ask him!

Shona: Anything else you would like to add about writing or publishing?

April Eberhardt: Quality—quality—quality. And don’t be shy (or if you are, enlist the help of trusted others to blow your horn.)

Shona: Last question, tea or coffee: what do you drink? I promise I won’t hold this against you!

April Eberhardt: Both! Coffee first thing in the morning—one strong cup of Peet’s Major Dickason’s Blend. Then tea in the afternoon, accompanied by watercress sandwiches and crumpets 😉

Shona: Many thanks April! I am lucky to have you as my trusty agent on the road less traveled. I look forward to our ongoing journey together.

April Eberhardt: Thanks, Shona! The feeling is mutual.

UPDATE: Following this interview, April Eberhardt  sold my novel Teatime for the Firefly in a 3-book deal to Mira Books. Wooohooo!


Shona Patel’s debut novel Teatime for the Firefly is a love story set in a tea plantation in Assam. You can read more about it HERE.

More posts about writing and publishing on this blog:


  1. Roxane Linnell says:

    Fabulous, Shona! A very good read this morning! I too love Major Dickason’s . . .and needless to say, tea and crumpets, haha! But Seriously, April echoes exactly my perception of things these days. Charming and enlightening, thanks.


  2. Interesting interview, Shona!


    1. teabuddy says:

      Thanks, Cynthia!


  3. sporranmaker says:

    Fab ‘dialogue’ with April, Shona–me thinks there’s light at the end of your tunnel. Hope so!


    1. teabuddy says:

      I am very hopeful, Davey. Thanks!


  4. Namrata says:

    Enjoyed the interaction between the interviewer & the interviewee ! Laughed at the latter’s curiosity / perplexity about Stephen King. And like one of your commentors, I too feel, that there’s ” light at the end of the tunnel ” for you. It’s already trickling. When is your book likely to be around in India ?

    03.36 pm IST


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