Put the kettle on, please…

Shona, to put it poetically “all things tea remind me of thee”;  when I saw this picture from Sandy’s vacation at  Sequoia national Park Just last week I knew I had to get a copy for you.  I told her this is perfect postcard for you. She was gracious enough to indulge me. Sandy sends her regards.
With that I’ll have a cuppa, pass the biscotti, please. Anitra


  1. sporranmaker says:

    Anitra must know you well, Shona—-how very appropriate


    1. teabuddy says:

      She is dear dear friend of mine, Davey, like you are!


  2. That’s wonderful! 🙂


    1. teabuddy says:

      Thank you Lorna, my Scottish Tea Buddy, how are you?


      1. Not too bad my dear, and yourself? Riding high on the success of your novel, I hope!


        1. teabuddy says:

          Hi Heidi,
          There was another gentleman (I will try and dig up his email) who had the same request. I got him in touch with David Air the editor of Koihai.com and I believe he connected with a whole community. Unfortunately, the koihai website is temporarily suspended waiting for a new editor to take over, so I have no idea who to forward you email to. Let me see who I can hook you up with. Best wishes, Shona


  3. What a great picture 🙂


    1. teabuddy says:

      I know! I love it!


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